Community Christian Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
It's not a religion, it's a relationship
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What We Believe

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Jesus Christ our only hope

We believe that Jesus Christ is the only help for all men and women. We believe what the Bible teaches, that everyone has sinned and missed the perfection of God. We believe that to deny this fact is nothing less than lying to your friends, lying to yourself and worse, lying to God.
We believe that God loved all of us enough to send His only Son to pay the penalty for our sins by being born as a man to a virgin named Mary more than two thousand years ago. We believe that Jesus grew to be a man without giving up any of His status as God. Still he was tempted just like any other man but never committed any sin. Because of this the shedding of His blood satisfied the sentence for all of our sins - namely death.
We believe that Jesus Died on that Cross not by the will of any leader, Jewish or Greek but by the love He had for His Children. We were lost in our sins. The Bible teaches that Jesus did not come to condemn, as we were condemned already by our sins. Instead, He came to seek and saved the lost. As he said himself, "It is not those who are well that need a doctor, it is the sick."
The Bible teaches us that Jesus died for all sins for all time. No matter what your race or gender Jesus died for you but He will never force you to accept His free gift of forgiveness, salvation and eternal life. You must accept the gift if you want to be saved.